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Message to The Armenian Youth Federation Western USA

The Armenian Youth Federation Western USA - Armenian  in Glendale CA

The Armenian Youth Federation Western USA

(818) 507-1933
(818) 507-1933


Cultural Non Profit
Practice Areas

About The Armenian Youth Federation Western USA

The Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) strives to advance the goals of a free, independent and united Armenia. Toward these ends, the AYF is dedicated to the principles of freedom, democracy, self-determination, economic justice, and social equality.

The AYF is committed to the moral, social and intellectual advancement of Armenian youth in order that they may gain a better understanding of themselves. It seeks to accomplish this objective by promoting activities based on its five long standing pillars: political, cultural, educational, athletic, and social.

With a legacy of over eighty years of community involvement and organizational structures in over 17 regions around the world, the AYF stands prepared to play a leading role in the preservation and advancement of the Armenian nation.


Primary Office Location

pin 104 N. Belmont St. Ste. 313 Glendale CA 91206

pin (818) 507-1933


Social Media

Twitter page for The Armenian Youth Federation Western USA - Armenian  in Glendale Facebook page for The Armenian Youth Federation Western USA - Armenian  in Glendale Instagram page for The Armenian Youth Federation Western USA - Armenian  in Glendale Instagram page for The Armenian Youth Federation Western USA - Armenian  in Glendale Twitter page for The Armenian Youth Federation Western USA - Armenian  in Glendale
Message The Armenian Youth Federation Western USA
(818) 507-1933