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Message to Armenian Youth Federation Juniors

Armenian Youth Federation Juniors - Armenian  in Glendale CA

Armenian Youth Federation Juniors

(818) 500-8883
(818) 500-8883


Cultural Non Profit
Practice Areas

About Armenian Youth Federation Juniors

The AYF Juniors (formerly known as “Badanegan”) is a grassroots community organization for Armenian-American youth specifically from the ages of 8 to 16 years old. As an extension of the AYF and its core values, the AYF Juniors connect youth with their Armenian heritage, and politically and socially engages them with critical issues facing Armenians. With the close guidance of veteran ARF and AYF members, AYF Juniors creates a transformative space for young Armenians in their most critical years of development, instilling in them a passion for service and dedication to their community and roots. With chapters just about anywhere an AYF chapter exists, AYF Juniors is a place where the youth build lifelong friendships with their peers and begin to cultivate their knowledge and passion for Armenian history, culture and politics. Most importantly, AYF Juniors empowers the youth with the discipline, confidence and organizational tools to turn their ideas into a reality — skills that will help them excel in any of life’s endeavors. Here, young Armenian-Americans begin their development into the future thinkers and leaders of the Armenian community.


Primary Office Location

pin 104 N. Belmont St. Suite 313 Glendale CA 91206

pin (818) 500-8883


Social Media

Facebook page for Armenian Youth Federation Juniors - Armenian  in Glendale Instagram page for Armenian Youth Federation Juniors - Armenian  in Glendale Instagram page for Armenian Youth Federation Juniors - Armenian  in Glendale
Message Armenian Youth Federation Juniors
(818) 500-8883