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Message to Armenian International Women's Association San Francisco

Armenian International Women's Association San Francisco - Armenian  in Los Gatos CA

Armenian International Women's Association San Francisco

About Armenian International Women's Association San Francisco

AIWA-SF Mission: Promote and enrich the social, economic and personal advancement of Armenian women worldwide through educational and community activities that promote gender equity, opportunity and emphasize our Armenian cultural heritage.

Our Goals:
1. To establish contacts with women’s organizations, both Armenian and non-Armenian, in the United States, in Armenia, and around the world.
2. To provide a forum for dialogue and discussion on issues of interest to Armenian women in the fields of education, social welfare, culture, and business.
3. To gather information about the changing role of women in the world, to monitor the activities of Armenian women, and to establish an Armenian women’s archive.
4. To increase the visibility of Armenian women and to promote their equal role in the community.
5. To develop a liaison with world news agencies to provide accurate information in the media on Armenia and Armenians.
6. To sponsor programs and issue publications to further these purposes.


Primary Office Location

pin 15559 Union Ave. Suite #227 Los Gatos CA 95032

Social Media

Facebook page for Armenian International Women's Association San Francisco - Armenian  in Los Gatos
Message Armenian International Women's Association San Francisco