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Message to Armenian Cultural Association of Maine

Armenian Cultural Association of Maine - Armenian  in South Portland ME

Armenian Cultural Association of Maine

(207) 838-7811
(207) 838-7811


Cultural Non Profit
Practice Areas

About Armenian Cultural Association of Maine

The Armenian Cultural Association of Maine (ACAME) was founded in 2003 by a group of Mainers who wished to preserve the history and culture of a unique branch of the Armenian diaspora.

Maine’s Armenian community is one of the oldest in America. The first immigrants arrived here in the late 19th century to escape growing persecution in Turkey. Hundreds more would arrive by the time of the Armenian Genocide in 1915. Successive waves of new immigrants and their descendants now make Maine their home.

ACAME’s first accomplishment was erecting a monument to the 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide and Maine’s first Armenian immigrants. The granite monument and accompanying benches are located at the corner of Cumberland Avenue and Franklin Arterial in Portland, on the edge of the neighborhood now known as Bayside. It was once the home of Maine’s original Armenian settlement, and it remains the most culturally diverse neighborhood in the state.


Primary Office Location

pin 405 Western Avenue #127 South Portland ME 04106

pin (207) 838-7811

Social Media

Facebook page for Armenian Cultural Association of Maine - Armenian  in South Portland
Message Armenian Cultural Association of Maine
(207) 838-7811