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Message to Armenian Assembly of America, Inc.

Armenian Assembly of America, Inc. - Armenian  in Washington DC

Armenian Assembly of America, Inc.

(202) 393-3434
(202) 393-3434

About Armenian Assembly of America, Inc.

Headquartered in Washington, DC, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest, non-partisan Armenian-American advocacy organization in the United States.

Since 1972, the Assembly continues to promote public awareness of Armenian issues, encourage greater Armenian-American participation in the American democratic process, and assist in humanitarian and development programs in Armenia and Arstakh, while strengthening the U.S.-Armenia and U.S.-Arstakh relationships.


Primary Office Location

pin 1032 15th St NW, Suite 416 Washington DC 20005

pin (202) 393-3434

Social Media

Twitter page for Armenian Assembly of America, Inc. - Armenian  in Washington Twitter page for Armenian Assembly of America, Inc. - Armenian  in Washington Facebook page for Armenian Assembly of America, Inc. - Armenian  in Washington Instagram page for Armenian Assembly of America, Inc. - Armenian  in Washington Instagram page for Armenian Assembly of America, Inc. - Armenian  in Washington
Message Armenian Assembly of America, Inc.
(202) 393-3434